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Hengyang Kaixin Special Materials Technology Co., Ltd. 2022 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

2023-09-17 source:original clicks:534


July 12, 2023

 Report specifications..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1
  1、 Responsibility management........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
  2、 Corporate governance.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
  3、 Responsibility management.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
  4、 Market responsibility.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
  5、 Environmental responsibility.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
  6、 Social responsibility.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10
  7、 Looking ahead to the future.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................15
  Report Specification
  ■Important reminder
 The board of directors, supervisory board, directors, supervisors, and senior management of our company guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the content of this report, without any false records, misleading statements, or significant omissions, and assume individual and joint legal responsibilities.
  ■Report Time Range
This report is an annual report, covering the period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. In order to improve the completeness of the report, some data exceeds the above range.
  ■Report release date
     July 12, 2023
  ■Report organizational scope
  Adhering to the principles of objectivity, standardization, integrity, and transparency, this report elaborates on the company's performance of social responsibility for the year 2022. For the convenience of expression and your reading, this report uses "our company", "company", and "we" to refer to Hengyang Kaixin Special Materials Technology Co., Ltd.
  ■Report preparation basis
  Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Guidelines for Writing Sustainable Development Reports (G4)
  Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Guidelines for the Preparation of Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility Reports (CASS-CSR4.0)
  ■Report Data Description
 The data and cases used in the report are all from the official documents, statistical reports, and summary and statistics of the performance of Hengyang Kaixin Special Materials Technology Co., Ltd. The report aims to comply with industry standards for information disclosure, while also focusing on the industry background and highlighting the characteristics of the enterprise.
  1、 About Us
  The company is located in Baishazhou Industrial Park, Hengyang City, and was established in 2013 with a registered capital of 54.65 million yuan. Through development in recent years, it has now become the largest high-tech enterprise, new material enterprise, and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprise in China that integrates research and development, production, and sales of designable silicon nitride composite special materials. It is also a national level specialized and innovative "little giant" enterprise, a single champion enterprise in Hunan Province, a backup enterprise for listing guidance in Hunan Province, a key enterprise in Hunan Province's industry finance cooperation manufacturing industry, and a provincial-level enterprise technology center. The company has a complete technology research and development system and a mature modern production line, and has applied for a total of 131 patents, including 18 authorized invention patents and 36 utility model patents. Having an independent research and development center and independent intellectual property rights, it is currently one of the few enterprises in China that can produce high-purity silicon nitride products (with a purity of 99%). There are currently 217 employees, including 22 with a graduate degree or above. The company now has a production capacity of 500 tons/year for silicon nitride and its composite materials, ranking first in the country in terms of production capacity, and has the ability to process a full range of products from precision small parts to large structural components.
  The company has a complete technology research and development system and a mature modern production line. Based on a 99% high-purity formula, a series of products have been developed, including high thermal conductivity silicon nitride substrate materials, anti heat wave silicon nitride composite materials, high-strength insulation silicon nitride materials, high-strength wear-resistant silicon nitride materials, and high hardness toughened silicon nitride materials. All performance indicators have reached the leading level in China and are widely used in industries such as armor protection, aerospace, chip electronics, photovoltaics, smelting, electric heating, and machinery, gradually replacing imported products from the United States, Germany, and Japan.
  2、 Corporate governance
  In 2022, the company will strictly comply with the requirements of the Company Law and the Company Articles of Association regarding corporate governance norms, and in combination with the needs and actual situation of the company's business management, improve the corporate governance structure, improve the company's internal control management system and business processes, and enhance the company's level of standardized operation. During the reporting period, various functional departments such as the shareholders' meeting, board of directors, supervisory board, and management strictly operated in accordance with various internal control systems, effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the company and all shareholders. Fully leverage the role and potential of the board of directors to ensure its independent position in decision-making and regulatory processes; Strengthen the power of the supervisory board to ensure the implementation of its responsibilities, powers, and interests; Clarify the scope of responsibilities and work procedures between the shareholders' meeting, board of directors, supervisory board, and senior management.
  3、 Responsibility management
  (1) Responsibility concept
  "Grateful to society and rewarding society" is the unwavering commitment of Kaixin Technology. In 2022, the company will deeply implement the five development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing, integrating social responsibility into the company's business philosophy and development strategy. While creating economic benefits and protecting shareholder interests, the company will actively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees and treat customers and suppliers with sincerity; Strengthen environmental protection awareness and save resources and energy consumption; Actively participate in social public welfare undertakings and effectively fulfill social responsibilities.
  (2) Responsible governance
  The leading decision-making body for corporate social responsibility work is the board of directors, and relevant departments of the company are responsible for implementing various aspects of corporate social responsibility work and regularly reporting social responsibility information to the company. The Human Resources and Administration Department is responsible for the daily disclosure of company social responsibility information and responding to related consultations. In 2022, the company further improved its social responsibility workflow, division of responsibilities, and management system.
  (3) Responsibility communication
Table 1 Stakeholder Demands and Response Measures

Related parties

Stakeholder demands

Response measures


Good performance
And investment return
Positive and complete information disclosure
Smooth investor communication mechanism
Standardized corporate governance

A sustainable and reasonable dividend plan
Timely and accurate disclosure of company announcements
Conduct investor exchange meetings
Improve investor hotlines, email, and dynamic information feedback mechanisms
Standardized corporate governance


Protecting consumer rights and interests
High quality service
Quality and safety assurance
Improving business capabilities

Conduct customer satisfaction surveys
A comprehensive quality assurance system
A comprehensive information exchange mechanism
A complete after-sales service system


Rights protection
Personal development
Physical and mental health
Democratic management

Establishing trade unions
Strictly abide by the provisions of the Labor Law, Contract Law, etc
Establish a complete training mechanism and career development pathway
Employee inquiry survey and psychological counseling
Safety production
Office environment renovation


Legal operation
Paying taxes in accordance with the law
A bridge for communication between the government and the public
Leading the healthy development of the industry
Promoting social employment

Operate in accordance with the law
Participate in industry collaboration
Actively responding to government policies
Assist national strategy


Integrity management
Ecological and harmonious development
Market information sharing

Green Supply Chain Management
Standardized supplier management
Regular communication with responsible personnel

 4、 Market responsibility
  (1) Supplier Rights and Interests
The company adheres to the principles of honesty, trustworthiness, mutual benefit, legality and compliance in transactions, fully respects and protects the legitimate rights and interests of suppliers and customers, maintains good cooperative relationships with suppliers, and highly recognizes the positive actions of well-known upstream and downstream enterprises in promoting sustainable development and practicing social responsibility. For strategic cooperative suppliers, the company has established a high-level leadership exchange mechanism and mutual visit mechanism to engage in more comprehensive and in-depth beneficial exchanges on the areas of cooperation and social responsibility between the two parties.
  The company focuses on the integration of supply chain construction, continuously improves procurement processes and mechanisms, and provides suppliers with a platform to participate in fair competition by establishing an open and transparent competition mechanism. By formulating regulations such as the External Supplier Management Regulations and the Procurement Management System, standardized bidding and procurement procedures have been established to grow together with honest and trustworthy suppliers. During the payment process, we strictly followed the contractual terms to fulfill our payment rights and obligations, and received unanimous praise from our suppliers.
  On the other hand, the company continuously improves a fair and just supplier evaluation system, and maintains long-term stable cooperative relationships with high-quality suppliers. And an evaluation team composed of multiple departments such as supply, quality inspection, warehouse, and production has been established to conduct a scientific comprehensive evaluation of the quality, reputation, delivery time, price, credit, and other dimensions of products or services provided by suppliers. Commending high-quality suppliers and providing policy incentives, prioritizing procurement quantity, and establishing long-term strategic partnerships based on business needs.
  (2) Consumer rights
The company regularly visits customers, actively participates in exhibitions and meets with customers, establishes customer profiles, understands customer needs, and strengthens customer relationships. Establish a customer satisfaction survey form, quickly respond to customer complaint handling mechanisms, enhance customer satisfaction with the company's products, and strengthen the continuity of after-sales service.
  Strictly abide by and fulfill the contract agreement. The company focuses on improving service quality while providing customers with high-quality products. To ensure customer recognition of our products, the company organizes production according to customer requirements, implements a sample delivery system, and cooperates under conditions that ensure customer satisfaction with our products. Every time the product is shipped, the quality department keeps samples for testing to ensure that the product is qualified before shipment, ensuring the basic interests of customers. Understand the needs of customers and potential customers, develop differentiated sales and service policies for new market development, and strive to provide customers with value-added services.
  Provide high-quality customer service. The company adheres to the customer first service concept and provides customers with a humanized customer service experience.
  5、 Environmental responsibility
The company actively advocates the sustainable development concept of harmonious coexistence between enterprises and the environment, with adjusting product structure and innovating technology as the main line, taking various measures to achieve energy conservation and environmental protection in business operations and daily operations, striving to reduce the impact of production and business activities on the environment, and achieving coordinated development between production, operation, and environmental protection.
  (1) Green office
The company advocates "green office" and brings significant benefits. The company's collaborative office management system ERP has been fully opened by all staff, and the internal workflow flows office documents in electronic form, fully saving paper and protecting resources. At the same time, we will vigorously adopt telephone or video conferencing as a replacement for traditional on-site meetings, effectively saving travel costs and reducing resource consumption. For daily office supplies and other consumer goods, try to choose products with simple packaging and easy recycling.
  Strictly implement energy-saving measures. In the workplace, we control the air conditioning on time and advocate not turning on the air conditioning in spring and autumn. In summer, indoor air conditioning should be set at no lower than 26 ℃, and in winter, it should be set at no higher than 20 ℃. The air conditioning should be turned off half an hour before work. We call on employees to promptly turn off the power of office appliances such as computers and copiers when they leave work or are not in use. Minimize water usage as much as possible, regularly inspect water equipment, and eliminate any form of waste such as running, emitting, dripping, or leaking.
  The company actively organizes employees to participate in various energy-saving activities, widely carries out energy-saving publicity, enhances employees' awareness of energy and resource conservation, and creates a strong atmosphere of advocating conservation, green and low-carbon.
  (2) Green production
The company fully promotes green production with the goals of energy conservation, consumption reduction, pollution reduction, and efficiency enhancement. Through management and technology, it implements pollution control throughout the entire industrial production process, striving to minimize the generation of pollutants.
  1. Advocate for green concepts
The company adheres to the policy of "clean production, pollution prevention, resource conservation, and sustainable development", continuously promotes clean production, strengthens source management, process control, and end of pipe treatment through transformation and upgrading, reduces "three wastes" emissions, and strives to reduce the impact of production activities on environmental production, achieving coordinated development between production and operation and environmental protection.
  We focus on promoting the concept of low-carbon and environmental protection to our employees, actively conducting training on energy-saving and environmental laws and regulations, energy management, energy and environmental protection statistical information systems, and addressing climate change to enhance their environmental awareness. In addition, we utilize activities such as "4.22 Earth Day", "6.5 World Environment Day", "Energy Conservation Awareness Week and Low Carbon Day", and utilize banners, bulletin boards, newspapers, promotional brochures, company electronic promotional screens, internal networks, WeChat, and other platforms to organize a series of diverse forms of energy conservation and emission reduction publicity and education activities for all employees.
  2. Establish a sound management system
The company continues to carry out the construction of ISO9001 quality system management system, ISO14001 environmental management system, ISO45001 occupational health and safety management system, ISO50001 energy management system, integration of industrialization and industrialization management system, and intellectual property management system. Through continuous improvement of various management systems and safety and environmental protection risk management systems, combined with actual situations, the company strengthens the implementation of safety, environmental protection, and comprehensive management target responsibility system, strengthens the supervision of environmental governance and production operation site operation, and ensures the effective operation of management systems. In 2022, the company achieved standard emissions of pollutants throughout the year, with no environmental pollution or safety accidents occurring.
  3. Continuously promoting energy conservation and emission reduction
  (1) Lighting energy-saving renovation: In 2019, a large-scale renovation was carried out on lighting fixtures, replacing all workshop and office building lighting fixtures with LED lights, achieving a 30% energy-saving rate. At present, LED lights are used in all areas such as factories and office buildings, and the utilization rate of energy-saving lighting fixtures has reached 100%.
 (2) Automation transformation of feeding system. The feeding system introduces automated equipment, replacing manual labor with machines to improve feeding accuracy and reduce human errors; Improve equipment operation efficiency, dynamically control equipment operation status, and real-time control product quality; Adopting an automatic feeding system to reduce environmental pollution.
  (3) Intelligent polishing transformation. Replacing traditional manual water grinding with intelligent laser grinding greatly increases grinding efficiency and reduces energy consumption per unit product. In addition, mechanical grinding requires water, while laser grinding does not require water, which can save water resources.
  (4) Development of DCS central control system. Fully adopt DCS control for production, real-time control of equipment operation status and product quality, and improve production efficiency.
 4. Comprehensive utilization of resources
(1) Comprehensive utilization of water resources: Production water is mainly used for granulation, grinding, and cleaning processes. The company has three clarification tanks in the granulation area (with a scale of 2 3x3x2m and 1 4x3x2m) and one clarification tank in the grinding area (with a scale of 3x3x2m). After granulation, grinding, and cleaning are processed in the sedimentation tank, they are 100% reused for production; On the north side of the factory building, there is a 15 × 3 × 4m cooling tower circulating water pool, and the equipment condensate water is 100% recycled after being cooled by the cooling tower.
  (2) Industrial solid waste recycling and utilization: All dust, scraps, defective semi-finished products, etc. generated in processes such as batching, granulation, dry pressing, and machining are 100% recycled for production; Classify and store waste packaging bags, scrap products, scrap metals, etc., and sell them to third-party companies for recycling.
  5. Low carbon and clean energy utilization
       (1) The forklifts used by the company are all new energy electric forklifts, effectively reducing the proportion of traditional energy usage.
 (2) To fully utilize renewable energy, the company has built a distributed photovoltaic roof on the roof of the factory building.
  6. Green product development
The company vigorously develops green design products, improves product performance, optimizes product design throughout the entire product lifecycle, shortens the introduction cycle of new products, improves the quality of new products, and reduces research and development costs. For traditional ceramic insulation components used in photovoltaics, it affects the quality of crystalline silicon, has a short service life, poor high temperature resistance, and poor insulation. The company has proposed a preparation technology for high-purity and high insulation silicon nitride special ceramic materials and developed high-purity and high insulation silicon nitride ceramic materials for photovoltaic purposes.
  7. Actively promoting clean production

In order to promote clean production work, the company established a clean production audit team in January 2023, specifically responsible for clean production audit work. According to relevant laws, regulations, and standards such as the Clean Production Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China, the Clean Production Audit Measures, and the Guidelines for Clean Production Audit Evaluation and Acceptance, a third party is commissioned to carry out clean production audit work, improve energy resource utilization efficiency, reduce pollutant emissions, and achieve the goal of "energy conservation, consumption reduction, pollution reduction, and efficiency enhancement". At the same time, by establishing relevant systems such as the Clean Production Management System and Clean Production Reward Management Measures, clean production will be further integrated into the daily management work of the company.
  6、 Social responsibility
  (1) Caring for employees
The company adheres to the core values of putting people first, cares about the work, life, health, and safety of employees, effectively protects the rights and interests of employees, enhances the cohesion of the enterprise, and realizes the common growth of employees and the enterprise. Actively building harmonious labor relations, improving employee welfare, valuing employee training, and continuously providing high-quality training resources. The company closely links the personal development of employees with the development of the enterprise, actively encourages employees and management to continuously learn, highly integrates the progress of the enterprise with the enhancement of personal value, and provides a good platform for the growth of employees and the enhancement of their own value.
  1. Protection of employee rights and interests system
Employees are the most precious resources and wealth of the company. The company respects and protects the legitimate rights and interests of employees, cherishes their lives, health, and safety; Respect labor, respect knowledge, and respect value creation. The company strictly complies with relevant laws and regulations such as the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the Implementation Regulations of the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, and protects the legitimate rights and interests of employees in accordance with the law. The company continuously improves the relevant management system for employment and welfare protection; The company implements a full staff labor contract system, signs 100% labor contracts with employees, establishes a standardized new type of labor relationship, clarifies the rights and obligations that employees enjoy and should fulfill; Strictly implementing the relevant national regulations on social insurance, we have purchased social insurance such as pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance, and maternity insurance, and paid all insurance premiums on time and in full every month. According to the relevant regulations of the labor department, timely handle the labor contracts, social insurance and other related procedures for newly hired and resigned personnel, ensure that employees enjoy social insurance benefits, enable employees to receive timely assistance and compensation in situations such as retirement, illness, work-related injury, unemployment, and childbirth, and implement paid annual leave and other benefits, so that employees can work with peace of mind and seek development in a fair and just environment.
  The company implements democratic management and establishes a staff representative assembly, effectively protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employees. The company strictly prohibits discrimination in employment policies and treats employees of different nationalities, races, genders, ages, religious beliefs, and cultural backgrounds fairly and impartially; Implement equal pay for equal work and eliminate the employment of child labor. In 2022, the company did not find any violations of child labor or forced labor, and did not receive any human rights complaints.
  The company attaches great importance to the occupational health of employees and organizes regular health examinations for employees every year, including blood pressure, internal surgery, dentistry, blood routine, etc. The company attaches great importance to the safety production and labor protection of its employees. During the hot season, it provides high-temperature allowances to employees, and regularly equips employees with necessary labor protection equipment and measures for different positions. Various forms of publicity and education, simulation training, and other activities are carried out to effectively improve employees' safety awareness and self-protection ability. At the same time, the company pays attention to the physical and mental health of employees, and through necessary psychological counseling services, plays a positive role in managing employee psychological stress.
  The company strictly manages and maintains confidentiality of employee information and privacy. The company implements a confidential salary system and has strict process controls for providing employee resumes and other personal information to external parties. For example, employee personal information access must be handled in accordance with prescribed procedures. For those who violate regulations and disclose employee personal information and privacy, the company will handle them in accordance with regulations. If serious consequences are caused, the leaker will be held legally responsible. Employee personal privacy is maximally protected, forming a mechanism for sharing interests between employees and the company.
  2. Employee rights performance evaluation and incentives
  The company actively promotes a scientific and effective salary system, combined with market conditions, and based on the company's industry characteristics and operational efficiency, refines performance evaluation standards, fully safeguarding the vital interests of enterprise employees. The company has established a comprehensive performance evaluation method, and the appointment of senior management personnel is open, transparent, and in compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and internal company rules and regulations. The performance evaluation of the company's directors and senior management personnel adopts a combination of self-evaluation and evaluation by the compensation committee according to performance evaluation standards. At the same time, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted in accordance with the clear provisions of the company's articles of association on the performance behavior, authority, and responsibilities of senior management personnel.
  The annual salary system and risk reward fund are implemented for the senior management personnel of the company. The salary assessment and distribution are based on the company's economic benefits. The compensation and assessment committee of the board of directors conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the senior management personnel and submits it to the board of directors for review and approval. Annual salary system and risk reward fund: Senior management personnel's annual salary is based on the performance evaluation results of the enterprise and individuals, and fluctuates up and down with the assessment indicators. The provision for risk reward funds shall be withdrawn in accordance with the Provisions on the Provision of Risk Reward Funds, and distributed in accordance with the Risk Reward Fund Allocation System.
  3. Enriching employee life
  The company focuses on balancing the life and work of its employees, striving to create a harmonious and healthy working atmosphere. It organizes and carries out leisure cultural activities to cultivate team spirit based on employees' personal interests and hobbies. At the same time, it helps employees eliminate work fatigue and better realize their own value in work. The company regularly holds employee birthday parties, team building activities, etc. to let employees feel the company's care, thereby enhancing their sense of identification, belonging, and loyalty to the company, enhancing internal cohesion and centripetal force, and improving work efficiency and efficiency.
  4. Building an employee training system and development channels

  In order to improve the job skills, management level, and comprehensive quality of employees, the company and its affiliated personnel management departments formulate an annual training plan for the following year at the end of each year. After the training plan is approved by the unit head, different positions and positions of personnel are trained and executed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the company's Employee Training Management System. The company attaches great importance to the learning, growth, and development of its employees, and is always committed to systematically building a learning platform for employees. It has invested a lot of resources and energy in the field of employee training. The company's training system focuses on expanding business system knowledge, covering various levels of audiences such as new employees, college students, senior employees, and management cadres. The content involves various fields such as corporate culture, professional skills, workplace literacy, and leadership abilities, providing employees with a solid learning foundation and a rich variety of training programs to help them continuously improve and develop.
  (2) Social welfare
Drinking water is the source of thought, and the development of enterprises cannot do without the support of society. We fully respond to social needs, continue to carry out diversified public welfare activities in an innovative mode, combine various business sectors with our own advantages, adapt to local conditions, participate in social public welfare undertakings through various forms such as charitable donations and public welfare activity organizations, and actively contribute to society.
  1. Advocacy of public welfare concept
As a special new materials company, Kaixin Technology fully combines its business characteristics and resource advantages, actively spreads public welfare concepts to the public, and transmits positive energy. And make full use of its own technological advantages to develop new silicon nitride special products for new energy, photovoltaics, wind power, substrates and other fields, improve production efficiency, and work together to improve the Earth's environment. Kaixin Technology continues to pay attention to the new model of "public welfare+environmental protection", actively contributing to the dissemination of public welfare concepts and the improvement of people's livelihoods.
  2. Caring about the lives of disadvantaged workers and actively carrying out warmth delivery activities
The company adheres to the principle of putting people first, adopts various forms to track and understand the living and working conditions of its employees, especially those in need, and provides assistance from various aspects such as manpower, material resources, and financial resources to alleviate the living and working conditions of disadvantaged employees, allowing them to experience the warmth of home, and gradually forming a social welfare culture with the company's characteristics.
  3. Responding to national strategies and promoting targeted poverty alleviation
  Develop assistance project plans, identify the root causes of poverty, prescribe targeted treatments, and combine with the actual situation of the company to participate in poverty alleviation through flexible and diverse forms. Effectively carry out assistance work, achieving precise support targets, project arrangements, and fund utilization.   Poverty alleviation requires the support of intelligence, and poverty alleviation prioritizes the treatment of ignorance. To lift oneself out of poverty and become rich, one should not only pay attention to the "rich pocket", but also to the "rich head". The company will leverage its industrial characteristics and competitive advantages, focus on investing in content that complies with the "dual carbon" and "new energy" policies for business layout, vigorously promote socialist core values, and promote the "enrichment" of spiritual and cultural life. In addition, actively carry out bottom-up poverty alleviation work and pay attention to the lives of impoverished people.
  (3) Provide employment opportunities from multiple perspectives and actively fulfill social responsibilities
Ensuring employment is one of the important social responsibilities of enterprises. In recent years, the company's production and operation have steadily improved, providing sufficient employment opportunities and a stable working environment for college graduates, surplus labor force, and people with disabilities, alleviating social employment pressure, and contributing to social stability, prosperity, and harmony. At the same time, the steady development of the company has also driven the development of related supporting enterprises and regional economies in the surrounding areas.
  7、 Looking ahead to the future

  The company has integrated corporate social responsibility into its business development, pursuing common progress and development with customers, employees, shareholders, and society. The company will adopt a new concept, constantly break through itself, explore and innovate, benchmark international advanced standards in quality, actively carry out international layout in strategy, and provide better products for customers.
  On the shareholder side, the company will continuously optimize product configuration, enhance management philosophy and operational level, and create greater investment value for shareholders.
  In terms of partners, the company will increase communication frequency, enhance service awareness, improve production efficiency, optimize management structure, and achieve win-win development with partners.
  In terms of employees, the company always adheres to maximizing the protection of their rights and interests, providing employees with an integrated talent training mechanism and broad growth space.
  In terms of society, the company will continue to use practical actions to practice the power of public welfare, feed back society, and actively assume corporate social responsibility.
  In terms of environmental protection, we will continue to practice the corporate philosophy of low-carbon development, explore new paths to protect the environment, and strive to promote the coordinated integration of the environment and economy. Through various energy-saving and emission reduction measures, we will contribute our own strength to the blue sky of our country during the day.
  In 2023, the company will not forget its original intention, forge ahead, and actively fulfill its corporate citizenship obligations while continuously promoting the continuous and steady development of the company. It will focus on safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders, better sharing achievements with society, comprehensively promoting the harmonious development of the enterprise and society, and making positive contributions to the sustained prosperity and stability of the country and society.