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The company's party branch launched the "Civilized Creation of Us, Us, and Others, Caring for Mother River, Everyone Has a Responsibility" theme party day activity to patrol the river and clean the beach

2023-05-18 source:original clicks:444
  On the morning of May 19, 2023, the party branch of Hengyang Kaixin Special Materials Technology Co., Ltd., in collaboration with the Hengyang "Little Red People" Volunteer Association, held a party day activity with the theme of "Civilized Creation of You, Me, and He, Caring for Mother River, Everyone has a Responsibility". Party members of the company's branch actively participated in this volunteer activity with active party members and applicants.
  During the activity, volunteers held labor tools such as iron pliers, garbage bags, and gloves, fully demonstrating their spirit of not being afraid of dirt and not feeling tired. They focused on cleaning up plastic waste, waste paper, cigarette butts, and other garbage and debris along the scenic belt on the south bank of the Xiangjiang River, and sorted the collected garbage and debris into trash cans, contributing their youthful strength to the beautiful Yancheng.

  Through this action, not only has the sanitation situation in the river area been improved, but also the awareness of environmental protection has been enhanced, laying a solid foundation for creating a clean, beautiful, and comfortable environment together. At the same time, we also call on the general public to take practical actions to jointly maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of the Mother River, and achieve the goal of "clear water, smooth river, green banks, and beautiful scenery".